
In review

Popp, A., N. Valiente, K. Aalstad, S. T. Kjær, Y. Yilmaz, N. Pirk, A. Eiler, P. Dörsch, D. Hessen, L. M. Tallaksen, and L. Larsen. 2023. Snow cover impacts on aquatic greenhouse gases in alpine, subarctic catchments. In review at Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

Gorski, G., L. Larsen, J. Wingenroth, L. Zhang, D. Bellugi, and A. P. Appling. 2023. Stream nitrate dynamics driven primarily by discharge and watershed physical and soil characteristics across diverse watersheds: Insights from deep learning. In review at Water Resources Research.

Stein, S., L. Larsen, and E. Variano. 2023. Generating power with inspiration from nature: Impacts to sediment transport dynamics under Standard Modular Hydropower (SMH). In review at River Research and Applications.

Zhang, L., D. Bellugi, G. Gorski, E. Moges, O. Wani, and L. G. Larsen. 2023. A physics-informed machine learning model for streamflow prediction. In revision at Water Resources Research.

Adera, S., D. Bellugi, A. Dhakal, and L. Larsen. 2023. Streamflow prediction at the intersection of physics and machine learning: the senstivity of model performance to parameter calibration, structural complexity, and variable selection in two Mediterranean-climate watersheds. In revision at Water Resources Research.

Hu, H., L. R. Leung, F. Dominguez, D. Gochis, X. Chen, S. Good, A. Dugger, L. Larsen, and M. Barlange. 2023. Effect of lateral flow on transit times: Integrating a water tracer model to WRF-Hydro. In revision at Water Resources Research.


Larsen, L.G. and B. Milligan. 2023. Sediment austerity is the new coastal norm. Science, 382(6675): 1123-1124. doi: 10.1126/science.adl4251. Link

Murray, D. S., E. Moges, L. Larsen, M. D. Shattuck, W. H. McDowell, and A. S. Wymore. 2023. Synchrony of nitrogen wet deposition inputs and watershed exports using information theory. Water Resources Research, 59(10), e2023WR034794. doi: 10.1029/2023WR034794. Link

McDonald, R., R. Neuhausler, M. Robinson, L. G. Larsen, H. A. Harrington, and M. Bruna. 2023. Zigzag persistence for coral reef resilience using a stochastic spatial model. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 20(205), 20230280. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2023.0280. Link

Larsen, L., S. Bashevkin, M. Christman, J. L. Conrad, C. Dahm, and J. Thompson. 2023. Ecosystem services and disservices of Bay-Delta primary producers: How plants and algae affect ecosystems and respond to management of the estuary and its watershed. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Sciences, 20(4), article 1. doi: 10.15447/sfews.2023v20iss4art1. Link

Moges, E., B. L. Ruddell, L. Zhang, J. M. Driscoll, P. Norton, F. Perez, and L. Larsen. 2022. HydroBench: Jupyter-supported reproducible hydrological model benchmarking and diagnostic tool. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:884766. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.884766. Link

Siegel, K., L. Macaulay, M. Shapero, T. Becchetti, S. Larson, F. Mashiri, L. Waks, L. Larsen, and V. Bustic. 2022. Impacts of livestock grazing on wildfire probability across regions and vegetation types in California. Journal of Environmental Management, 322 article 116092. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.116092. Link

Siegel, K., L. Larsen, C. Stephens, W. Steward, and V. Butsic. 2022. Quantifying drivers of change in social-ecological systems: land management impacts wildfire probability in forests of the western US. Regional Environmental Change, 22(3), article 98. doi: 10.1007/s10113-022-01950-y. Link

Moges, E., B. L. Ruddell, L. Zhang, J. M. Driscoll, and L. Larsen. 2022. Strength and memory of precipitation’s control over streamflow across the conterminous United States. Water Resources Research, 58(3), e2021WR030186. doi: 10.1029/2021WR030186. Link

Zhang, L., E. Moges, E. Coda, T. Liu, A. S. Wymore, Z. Xu, J. Kirchner, and L. G. Larsen. 2021. CHOSEN: A synthesis of hydrometeorological data from 30 intensively monitored watersheds across the US. Hydrological Processes, 35(11), e14429, doi: 10.1002/hyp.14429. Link

Stein, S., J. Wingenroth, and L. Larsen. 2021. A functional form for fine sediment interception in vegetated environments. Geosciences 11(4), 157, doi: 10.3390/geosciences11040157. Link

Wingenroth, J., C. Yee, J. Nghiem, and L. Larsen. 2021. Effects of stem density and Reynolds number on fine sediment interception by emergent vegetation. Geosciences, 11(3), 136, doi: 10.3390/geosciences1103016. Link

Bellugi, D., D. G. Milledge, K. M. Cuffey, W. E. Dietrich, and L. G. Larsen. 2021. Controls on the size distribution of shallow landslides. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 118(9), doi: 10.1073/pas.2021855118. Link

Moges, E., Y. Demissie, L. Larsen, and F. Yassin. 2021. Review: Sources of hydrological model uncertainties and advances in their analysis. Water, 13(1), doi: 10.3390/w13010028. Link

Regier, P., L. Larsen, K. Cawley, and R. Jaffe. 2020. Linking hydrology and dissolved organic matter characteristics in a subtropical wetland: a long-term study of the Florida Everglades. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34(12), doi: 10.1029/2020GB006648. Link

Tennant, C., L. Larsen, D. Bellugi, E. Moges, L. Zhang, and H. Ma. 2020. The utility of information flow in formulating discharge forecast models: a case study from an arid snow-dominated catchment. Water Resources Research, 56(8), doi: 10.1029/2019WR024908. Link

Beller, E., E. Zavaleta, L. McClenachan, and L. Larsen. 2020. Past forward: Recommendations from historical ecology for ecosystem management. Global Ecology and Conservation, 21, e00836. Link

Beller, E., M. Kelly, and L. Larsen. 2020. From savanna to suburb: effects of 160 years of landscape change on carbon storage trajectories in Silicon Valley, California. Landscape and Urban Planning, 195: 103712. Link

Larsen, L. G. 2019. Multiscale flow-vegetation-sediment feedbacks in low-gradient landscapes. Geomorphology, 334: 165-193, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.03.009. Link

Liu, B. Y., Q. Zhu, W. J. Riley, L. Zhao, H. Ma, M. Van Gordon, and L. G. Larsen. 2019. Using information theory to evaluate directional precipitation interactions over the West Sahel region in observations and models. 2019. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 124(3), doi: 10.1029/2018JD029160. Link

Kominoski, J.S., J.S. Rehage, W.T. Anderson, R. Boecek, H. Briceño, M. Bush, T. Dreschel, M. Heithaus, R. Jaffé, L. Larsen, P. Matich, C. McVoy, A. Rosenblatt, T. Troxler. 2019. Ecosystem fragmentation and connectivity: legacies and future implications of a restored Everglades. In Gaiser, E., D. Childers, and L. Ogden, Eds. The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape. Oxford University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Ma, H., L. G. Larsen, and W. Wagner. 2018. Ecogeomorphic feedbacks that grow deltas. J. Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 123: 3228-3250, doi: 10.1029/2018JF004706. Link

Larsen, L. G. and C. Woelfle-Erskine. 2018. Groundwater is key to salmonid survival and recruitment in intermittent Mediterranean-climate streams. Water Resources Research, 54: 8909-8930, doi: 10.1029/2018WR023324. Link

Nardin, W., L. G. Larsen, S. Fagherazzi, and P. Wiberg. 2018. Tradeoffs among hydrodynamics, sediment fluxes, and vegetation community in the Virginia Coast Reserve. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 210: 98-108, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.06.009. Link

Drummond, J. D., L. G. Larsen, R. González-Pinzón, A. I. Packman, and J. W. Harvey. 2018. Less fine particle retention in a restored versus unrestored urban stream: balance between hyporheic exchange, reuspension and immobilization. J. Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 123(4): 1425-1439. doi: 10.1029/2017JG004212. Link

Levy, M. C., A. van Lopes, A. Cohn, L. G. Larsen, and S. E. Thompson. 2018. Land use change increases streamflow across the arc of deforestation in Brazil. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(8): 3520-3530, doi: 10.1002/2017GL076526. Link

Dietze, M. C., A. Fox, L. Beck-Johnson, J. L. Betancourt, M. B. Hooten, C. S. Jarnevich, T. H. Keitt, M. A. Kenney, C. M. Laney, L. G. Larsen, H. W. Loescher, C. K. Lunch, B. Pijanowski, J. T. Randerson, E. K. Read, A. T. Tredennick, R. Vargas, K. C. Weathers, and E. P. White. 2018. Iterative near-term ecological forecasting: Needs, opportunities, and challenges. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 115(7): 1424-1432, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1710231115. Link

Rinderer, M., G. A. Ali, and L. G. Larsen. 2018. Assessing structural and functional hydrologic connectivity with brain neuroscience methods: state-of-the-art and research directions. Earth-Science Reviews, 178: 29-47, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.01.009. Link

Getz, W. M., C. R. Marshall, C. J. Carlson, L. Giuggioli, S. J. Ryan, C. Boettiger, S. D. Chamberlain, L. G. Larsen, P. D’Odorico, D. O’Sullivan, and S. S. Romañach. 2018.  Making ecosystems models adequate. Ecology Letters, 21:153-166, doi:10.1111/ele.12893. Link

Larsen, L. G. and J. W. Harvey. 2017. Disrupted carbon cycling in restored and unrestored urban streams: Critical timescales and controls. Limnology and Oceanography, 62(Suppl. S1), S160-S182, doi: 10.1002/lno.10613. Link

Larsen, L., J. Ma, and D. Kaplan. 2017. How important is connectivity for surface-water fluxes? A generalized expression for flow through heterogeneous landscapes. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(20), 10,349-10,358, doi: 10.1002/2017GL075432. Link

Tennant, C. J., A. A. Harpold, K. A. Lohse, S. E. Godsey, B. T. Crosby, L. G. Larsen, P. D. Brooks, and R. W. Van Kirk. 2017. Regional sensitivities of seasonal snow cover to elevation, aspect, and vegetation structure in western North America. Water Resources Research, 53, doi: 10.1002/2016WR019374. Link

Larsen, L. G., S. Newman, C. Saunders, and J. W. Harvey. 2017. Complex networks of functional connectivity in a wetland reconnected to its floodplain. Water Resources Research, 53, doi: 10.1002/2017WR020375. Link

Drummond, J.D., L. G. Larsen, R. González-Pinzón, A. I. Packman, and J. W. Harvey, 2017. Fine particle retention within stream storage areas at baseflow and in response to a storm event. Water Resources Research, 53, doi: 10.1002/2016WR020202. Link

Woelfle-Erskine, C., L. G. Larsen, and S. M. Carlson. 2017. Abiotic habitat thresholds for salmonid over-summer survival in intermittent streams. Ecosphere, 8(2), e01645. doi:10.1002/ecs1645. Link

Knapp, J.L.A., R. González-Pinzón, J. D. Drummond, L. G. Larsen, O. A. Cirpka, and J. W. Harvey. 2017. Tracer-based characterization of hyporheic exchange and benthic biolayers in streams. Water Resources Research, 52(2), 1575-1594, doi:10.1002/2016WR019393. Link

Ackerly, D. D., S. M. Carlson, C. J. Donlong, L. G. Larsen, and R. M. Sauvajot. Edited by M. F. Oldfather, K. J. Easterday, M. J. Raboin, and K. J. Scheckel. 2017. Strategic conversation: Stewardship of parks in a changing world. pp. 212-222 in S. R. Beissinger, D. D. Ackerly, H. Doremus, and G. E. Machlis (Eds.) Science, Conservation, and National Parks, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

Yurek, S., D. L. DeAngelis, J. C. Trexler, J. A. Klassen, and L. G. Larsen. 2016. Persistence and diversity of directional landscape connectivity improves biomass pulsing in simulations of expanding and contracting wetlands. Ecological Complexity, 28, doi: 10.1016/j.ecocomp.2016.08.004. Link

Larsen, L. G., M.B. Eppinga, P. Passalacqua, W. M. Getz, K. A. Rose, and M. Liang. 2016. Appropriate complexity landscape modeling. Earth-Science Reviews, 160, 111-130. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.06.016. Link

Larsen, L., L. Hajek, K. Maher, C. Paola, D. Merritts, T. Bralower, I. Montanez, S. Wing, N. Snyder, M. Hochella, L. R. Kump, and M. Person. 2015. Taking the pulse of Earth’s surface systems. Eos, 96, doi:10.1029/2015EO040525Link

Yuan, J., M. Cohen, D. Kaplan, S. Acharya, L. Larsen, and M. Nungesser. 2015. Linking metrics of landscape pattern to hydrological process in a lotic wetland. Landscape Ecology, 30, 1893-1912. Link

Larsen, L., J. Harvey, K. Skalak, and M. Goodman, 2015. Fluorescence-based source tracking of organic sediment in restored and unrestored urban streams. Limnology and Oceanography, 16, 1439-1461. Link

Larsen, L. G., J. W. Harvey, and M. M. Maglio. 2015. Mechanisms of nutrient retention and its relation to flow connectivity in river-floodplain corridors. Freshwater Science 34(1), 187-205. Link

Larsen, L. G., C. Thomas, M. Eppinga, and T. Coulthard. 2014. Using exploratory modeling to extract causality from complexity. Eos 95(32) 285-292. Link

Larsen, L. G., J. W. Harvey, and M. Maglio. 2014. Dynamic hyporheic exchange at intermediate timescales: testing the relative importance of evapotranspiration and flood pulses. Water Resources Research 50(1), 318-335. Link

Ho, D. T., S. Ferrón, V. C. Engel, L. G. Larsen, and J. G. Barr. 2014. Air-water gas exchange and CO2 flux in a mangrove-dominated estuary. Geophysical Research Letters 41(1), 108-113, doi:10.1002/2013GL058785. Link

Larsen, L. G., J. Choi, M. K. Nungesser, and J. W. Harvey. 2012. Directional connectivity in hydrology and ecology. Ecological Applications 22:2204-2220. Link

Harvey, J. W., J. D. Drummond, R. L. Martin, L. E. McPhillips, A. I. Packman, D. J. Jerolmack, S. H. Stonedahl, A. F. Aubeneau, A. H. Sawyer, L. G. Larsen, and C. R. Tobias. 2012. Hydrogeomorphology of the hyporheic zone: Stream solute and fine particle interactions with mobile bedforms and floods. Journal of Geophysical Research 117, G00N11, doi:10.1029/2012JG002043. Link

Cawley, K., K. D. Butler, G. R. Aiken, L. G. Larsen, T. G. Huntington, and D. M. McKnight. 2012. Identifying fluorescent pulp mill effluent in the Gulf of Maine and its watershed. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64:1678-1687. Link

Larsen, L., N. Aumen, C. Bernhardt, V. Engel, T. Givnish, S. Hagerthey, J. Harvey, L. Leonard, P. McCormick, C. McVoy, G. Noe, M. Nungesser, K. Rutchey, F. Sklar, T. Troxler, J. Volin, and D. Willard. 2011. Recent and historic drivers of landscape change in the Everglades ridge, slough, and tree island mosaic. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41(S1):344-381. Link

Larsen, L. G. and J. W. Harvey, 2011. Modeling of hydroecological feedbacks predicts distinct classes of wetland channel pattern and process that influence ecological function and restoration potential. Geomorphology 126: 279-296. Link

Harvey, J. W., G. B. Noe, L. G. Larsen, D. J. Nowacki, and L. E. McPhillips, 2011. Field flume reveals aquatic vegetation’s role in sediment and particulate phosphorus transport in a shallow aquatic ecosystem. Geomorphology 126: 297-313. Link

Wheaton, J. M., C. Gibbins, J. Wainwright, L. Larsen, and B. McElroy, 2011. Preface: Multiscale feedbacks in ecogeomorphology. Geomorphology 126: 265-268Link

L. Larsen, S. Moseman, A. Santoro, K. Hopfensperger, and A. Burgin. 2010. A complex-systems approach to predicting effects of sea level rise and nitrogen loading on nitrogen cycling in coastal wetland ecosystems. Pages 67-92 in P.F. Kemp[Ed.]. Eco-DAS VIII Symposium Proceedings. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, doi:10.4319/ecodas.2010.978-0-9845591-1-4.67. Download

Larsen, L. G. and J. W. Harvey, 2010. How vegetation and sediment transport feedbacks drive landscape change in the Everglades and wetlands worldwide. The American Naturalist 176(3), E66-E79. Link

Larsen, L.G., G. R. Aiken, J. W. Harvey, G.B. Noe, and J. P. Crimaldi, 2010. Using fluorescence spectroscopy to trace seasonal DOM dynamics, disturbance effects, and hydrologic transport in the Florida Everglades. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, G03001,doi: 10.1029/2009JG001140. Link

Noe, G. B., J. W. Harvey, R. W. Schaffranek, and L. G. Larsen, 2010. Controls of suspended sediment concentration, nutrient content, and transport in a subtropical wetland. Wetlands 30:39-54Link

Larsen, L. G., J. W. Harvey, and J. P. Crimaldi, 2009c. Prediction of bed shear stresses and its role in sediment dynamics and landscape restoration potential of the Everglades and other vegetated flow systems. Ecological Engineering 35, 1773-1785. Link

Harvey, J.W., R.W. Schaffranek, G.B. Noe, L.G. Larsen, D. Nowacki, and B.L. O’Connor, 2009. Hydro-ecological factors governing surface-water flow on a low-gradient floodplain. Water Resources Research 45, W03421, doi:10.1029/2008WR007129. Link

Larsen, L. G., J. W. Harvey, and J. P. Crimaldi, 2009b. Morphologic and transport properties of natural organic floc, Water Resources Research 45, W01410, doi:10.1029/2008WR006990. Link

Larsen, L.G., J.W. Harvey, G. B. Noe, and J. P. Crimaldi, 2009a. Predicting organic floc transport dynamics in shallow aquatic ecosystems: Insights from the field, the laboratory, and numerical modeling, Water Resources Research 45, W01411, doi:10.1029/2008WR007221. Link

Larsen, L.G., J.W. Harvey, and J.P. Crimaldi, 2007. A delicate balance: ecohydrological feedbacks governing landscape morphology in a lotic peatland, Ecological Monographs 77(4), 591-614Link

Larsen, L.G. and J.P. Crimaldi, 2006. The effect of photobleaching on PLIF (planar laser-induced fluorescence),  Experiments in  Fluids 41(5), 803-812. Link

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